Due to the extremely unfortunate events that I have witnessed, felt and later worked with, helping victims of violent abuse on a NGO, I strongly encourage everyone to educate themselves on abuse, narcisistic personality disorder, malignant narcissism, co-dependent relationships and toxic bonds. These situations last for many years. At their best, they are filled with emotional disorder, psychological imbalance, financial sucking, physical violence, sexual manipulation, humiliation, and a roller coaster of drama. At their worst, they escalate to stalking, depletion, vice, incest, all kinds of torture, house imprisionement, silencing, rape and murder. Yes, murder with a smile. Psychopats are not mean all the time; they are sugar and spice and that’s what makes them so dangerous. They don’t care about you. But they will pretend because they care about what they can get from you. The softer your heart is, the more you will fall for their tricks. They can be family members, “friends” or “lovers”… Whatever they are, you need to cut them out of your life. If you don’t, they will eventually finish you off, once they have sucked all they can from you.
Educate yourself. Start here:
The "dance" with an abusive partner: https://samvak.tripod.com/abusefamily.html
But what actually constitutes abuse? https://samvak.tripod.com/abuse.html
When Parents are the abusers: https://samvak.tripod.com/faq5.html
The dynamics of an abusive family: https://samvak.tripod.com/narcissistfamily.html
Free yourself before it’s too late!